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Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town

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Bokujou Monogatari: Mineral Town no Nakamatachi
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

  1. Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Characters
  2. Harvest Moon More Friends Of Mineral Town

M Must Be On 98D7716A E281 2FEC9AA2 DBAB 71D84B76 AC98 Codes must be used On continued game. Have Loads of Gold 0E068A9E 9A53 7F034077 C7D6 0E068., Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Gameboy Advance. The Harvest Moon series has always been one of my favourites. I was a big fan of Harvest Moon 64 and also Back to Nature for PS1. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is pretty much a straight port of Back To Nature just in 2D not 3D. It's nice to have one of the best Harvest Moons ever on a portable system.

Release Dates -
Japan - 04/18/2003
N.America - 11/12/2003
Europe - 03/05/2004

The Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town guide is located at

Barley's dog, Hanna, can NOT GET PUPPIES in Friends of Mineral Town.

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is the first Harvest Moon game to be released specifically on the Gameboy Advance system. The game story line is based on Harvest Moon: Back To Nature for the Playstation console system. The same characters from Back To Nature will appear in the new FoMT game, along with some new characters that will make their way into the game via the Gamecube Link Cable and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for Gamecube.

In FoMT you can court each of the 5 girls that are available to marry in BTN. You'll find Ann, Mary, Karen, Popuri, and Elli along with your 'rivals'; Kai, Cliff, Doctor, Rick, and Gray. There is also a bonus girl in Mineral Town for you to marry. If you meet specific requirements you can propose to the Harvest Goddess and request her to be your wife. You can also attend yearly events like the Chicken Sumo festival and Cooking Festival, but there is a new Summer festival which judges your dog's abilities to catch a frisbee disc. Turbo for mac. Along with the new frisbee game there are mini games you can play with the Harvest Sprites and a ton of new interactive villager events.

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Power BerriesGemsUpgradesToolsAnimalsHousesPlanting CropsShip items list

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is © Victor Interactive Software / Natsume. Character artwork is © Marucome. This is a fan-site and is not officially sponsored by VIS/Natsume. Web site design ©
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Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town

The original Harvest Moon game for Gameboy Advance was one that quickly captured the hearts of gamers everywhere with a fun simulation-style farming game that provided relaxing gameplay while you worked against the clock to get your farm up and running. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town is essentially a repackage of the original Harvest Moon game in that it provides all of the same experiences, objectives and even similar characters to play as; if you've already given your time and money to the original game, you might not get much out of playing More Friends of Mineral Town. But, hey, maybe you just loved the endless replay value of the original game so much that you just want to experience it all over again in a slightly new manner, and if that's true, you'll love this fun little game.

Objectives of Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town

Much like the original game, you start out as an aspiring farmer who purchases a farm in disrepair from an old man who passed away a while back. You have all of the tools and equipment you need to get started, but in order to get the farm ready to work, it's going to take a lot of effort on your part. This means having to spend money to make money, and you'll need to buy things like sheep for wool, cows for milk and chicken for—you guessed it—eggs. Shell out even more money to get food for these animals, shelters for them, upgrades to the barn and more to start producing so you can generate income.

Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Characters

The only real enemy in this game is time, as one whole day can pass in only ten minutes of real-world time, so you'll need to work smart and hard to till land, harvest crops, water the earth and more. The seasons change every thirty game-days, so you'll have to accommodate for the new weather and conditions there as well. With all of the time crunches, you can befriend little creatures like sprites that will help you man the farm in exchange for gifts to keep them liking you enough to work for you.

Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is the first Harvest Moon game to be released specifically on the Gameboy Advance system. The game story line is based on Harvest Moon: Back To Nature for the Playstation console system. The same characters from Back To Nature will appear in the new FoMT game, along with some new characters that will make their way into the game via the Gamecube Link Cable and Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life for Gamecube.

In FoMT you can court each of the 5 girls that are available to marry in BTN. You'll find Ann, Mary, Karen, Popuri, and Elli along with your 'rivals'; Kai, Cliff, Doctor, Rick, and Gray. There is also a bonus girl in Mineral Town for you to marry. If you meet specific requirements you can propose to the Harvest Goddess and request her to be your wife. You can also attend yearly events like the Chicken Sumo festival and Cooking Festival, but there is a new Summer festival which judges your dog's abilities to catch a frisbee disc. Turbo for mac. Along with the new frisbee game there are mini games you can play with the Harvest Sprites and a ton of new interactive villager events.

DownloadsOops!Menu & ControlsStamina InfoGamecube linkupMineral Town
CharactersFestivals & EventsCookingMiningFishingMarriageT.V. Shopping
Power BerriesGemsUpgradesToolsAnimalsHousesPlanting CropsShip items list

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town is © Victor Interactive Software / Natsume. Character artwork is © Marucome. This is a fan-site and is not officially sponsored by VIS/Natsume. Web site design ©
Contact the webmaster

The original Harvest Moon game for Gameboy Advance was one that quickly captured the hearts of gamers everywhere with a fun simulation-style farming game that provided relaxing gameplay while you worked against the clock to get your farm up and running. Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town is essentially a repackage of the original Harvest Moon game in that it provides all of the same experiences, objectives and even similar characters to play as; if you've already given your time and money to the original game, you might not get much out of playing More Friends of Mineral Town. But, hey, maybe you just loved the endless replay value of the original game so much that you just want to experience it all over again in a slightly new manner, and if that's true, you'll love this fun little game.

Objectives of Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town

Much like the original game, you start out as an aspiring farmer who purchases a farm in disrepair from an old man who passed away a while back. You have all of the tools and equipment you need to get started, but in order to get the farm ready to work, it's going to take a lot of effort on your part. This means having to spend money to make money, and you'll need to buy things like sheep for wool, cows for milk and chicken for—you guessed it—eggs. Shell out even more money to get food for these animals, shelters for them, upgrades to the barn and more to start producing so you can generate income.

Harvest Moon Friends Of Mineral Town Characters

The only real enemy in this game is time, as one whole day can pass in only ten minutes of real-world time, so you'll need to work smart and hard to till land, harvest crops, water the earth and more. The seasons change every thirty game-days, so you'll have to accommodate for the new weather and conditions there as well. With all of the time crunches, you can befriend little creatures like sprites that will help you man the farm in exchange for gifts to keep them liking you enough to work for you.

Pros of Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town

  • Endless replay possibility
  • Rewarding gameplay experience
  • Relaxing game model

Cons of Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town

  • Nearly identical game style and play through as original Harvest Moon games

Bottom Line

Harvest Moon More Friends Of Mineral Town

Lovers of the original Harvest Moon will get a kick out of this continuation of the first game that presents them with similar challenges and elements delivered in a repackaged way that changes up the graphics enough to keep it fresh without straying far at all from the original game. Overall, it's a great game that can be recommended for any lover of farming simulators, whether or not you have played the original—something that you can't say about many other games.

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